Saturday, October 8, 2011

So easy to get carried away.

 It is extremely easy to get carried away in what you want, that what you need to do gets put on the back burner. Make sure to appreciate the things around you, and the efforts that go on. Especially loved ones, friends, teachers, janitors. Put in positive and you will receive positive energy.

  I want you to be happy. I want to be the perfect balance of your friend and parental. I want to be a good mom, and I want to choose a good dad. I don't know. See this blog is weird, because I don't know anything yet. I don't know if you will hate me, love me, or feel indifferent about me. Mainly it freaks me out because I don't plan on having kids for awhile. xD

 It's okay to make stupid choices, as long as you don't tell your mother, and you take responsibility from them and learn. Smile, you're beautiful. :]

[If you haven't noticed I'm trying
to give you advice before I get too old
and it becomes a "You don't understand" thing.
But really, if I did tell you all that
I've been through I think I'd lose my magic
authority power.... Hmmm.]

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