Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Alright, lets be realistic. i'm tired of this lecture crap. [I'd swear, but I'm not sure if Mr. Russell would appreciate it] So, this article I just read was about a man who was attacked by a dude with a freaking 8 inch knife in the subway, but he won the fight. Like seriously, a murderer that was on a rampage for the past week stabbing and killing people. He beat his ass, straight up. like, apparently this guy was a huge UFC fan, and even though he wasn't a first-hand fighter he was apparently comfortable with it. so, after the dude attacks him, chanting that he is going to kill him the dude like ram into him chest to chest knocking both of them to the ground. [I should be a article summerizer(sp?) as a career]. After the guy finally gets controll of the dude and the cops take over, he stands up to brush off the dirt from the floor and realizes he was freaking bleeding like crazy. The bad ass's name is Joseph Lozito.

"When the paramedics show up and rush him to the hospital, they find that he's got a 4-inch gash along the back of his head, an 8-inch knife wound behind his ear, three 3-inch-long wounds on his arms, a huge cut under his eye that's going to leave a seriously badass-looking scar, and a tremendously-gnarly series of cuts on his hands. The doctors who stitched him back together again couldn't understand how this guy was even still conscious – let alone beating the shit out of a knife-wielding murderer in a fight for his life."

If I have a son, I'd hope he is as epic as this guy. xD
Or even my daughter could.

 I'm already late on my assignment I believe, which I take full responsibility for. My days are filled with the things that I deem most important, but still it's so tedious and stupid. I'd quit my job if I didn't have money anxiety for the future, and if I had more financial backing. It's a rough subject actually. I hope I can give my kids a better starting than I have. Color guard is okay, it just sucks that I'm not getting enough recognition as a senior. School is treating me like i am, I get to take a college course next trimester and I'll have an hour and a half to work on my independent work. I can handle that, because I am self motivated and I have initiative. I bet half of my peers can't say that. Not to be coincided, but those traits are what make me a good leader. I have my shit together, so I can manage other people's. Honestly.

Have a nice day. :)


  1. I like the fact that you could hold off swearing until the end of the blog ;-). Oh, and sorry about the lecture crap.

  2. End of the blog? and you have no need to be sorry. :] You're great. All I'm referring to is lecturing myself.

  3. I'm not all that offended. Sh... happens.

  4. :] Indeed it does.

    Well, I did say bad ass a few times
    but that completely justified. xD
