Thursday, October 13, 2011

Bless me.

i don't know what to say anymore, I have a full plate and it's effecting my emotions. So tired, emotionally and physically. I want to write to you, every day. i want to get a full points but the reality is that my biggest fault is probably sitting to a daily schedule.

It's okay to feel sad, as long as you don't waste away on it.
Still really depressing though.

I think about writing often, that I need to do it mostly.
I keep getting side tracked though.

I think I have a disorder where I pick at anything possible. Bite my skin, nails, obsessively cleaning my ears. I know it's unhealthy but it's without thinking and  a terrible habit. Suffocating in what I shouldn't and shouldn't do... undoubtedly i sound like a teenager, but i have the responsibilities of a adult(minus bills, and children).

I want to be able to give my kids better financial support.

and Mr. Russell, i'm trying. 
Just trying to fit in my life into these 24 hour segments
and things are overflowing...


  1. One step at a time, my dear. This should be a source of relief or creativity more than just another headache.

    Do you have a time that you can just vent? That would be the time I would write this journal. If you want, you can write it during lunch, while you munch, in my room. I do not usually use my school computer during lunch. If you have B or C lunch, you can still come in and use it while I teach. Either that, or I can come in a few minutes earlier in the morning and give you access to a computer then.

    Let me know. Use this assignment as a release.

    PS: If you end up taking a few days after the due date to complete your Daffodil project, there will be no dire consequences.

  2. Dire consequences? I'm fine. I just wrote this when I was feeling down. This project isn't a head ache, but I do feel like I took the start in a wrong direction. I appreciate that. i just find that I post these at like 12:30 and I need them to count for the day that I stayed awake for, not the one that I'll be waking up for. All should be well i think though.
