Saturday, October 15, 2011

I don't know if this assignment is over, when it's over, or anything but here goes nothing.

I decided, I should tell you about your current state of your uncles(and possibly future aunts) and your cousins. It's easier to talk about other people anyways.

Chris (29) - He is currently a firefighter, he lives with Nadia(who had a daughter, Ava which I hope you know both of them but if not, oh well), and Tyler is currently 7 I believe. Chris is nice and he does everything he can for Tyler, despite what Tyler's mother(piper) does. It's very sweet. Chris is the one that named me Mirslav Ratskins(Queen of the Rats). i adore him. I don't have many memories of Chris, except when I was little he played with me. :]

Corey(27)- Corey is a teacher, even if it wasn't his set path from the beginning. He wanted to be a rock star, often I was held hostage and force to listen to his music. When I little he tied me up in my blanket and tied to me to the fridge. Told me the rat where going to eat me. Which is okay, because I am and was the queen of the rats. Rumor has it, i was born with a tail. So, Corey is currently with Erica and they have been together for awhilee! They're planning their wedding, and I love Erica a ton. Very cute couple.

Jesse (22)- Oh Jesse bear. He likes to jump his emotions, honestly. He recently broke up with Jessica, and he had gotten a lot nicer since. I feel like it was for the best. They both have liam(2) and he is the cutest. He likes to laugh at kicking people, and he's addicted to electronics I swear. So, Jesse works at Zap Zone with me, and he is a  'almost manager'. He's hoping to get my job with Kyle and my dad though. Jesse likes to play Magic the gathering, and rpgs. I love Jesse most of the time but he can often be a dick.

Kyle(19)- Sadly, Kyle is currently stuck working most hours of the day. Night shift at Capital Welding. Kyle likes anime and to play videos games. He hardly goes outside of the house when he's out of work. Last year he took my 7 11 every weekday and we spent like 20 dollars. He has a ton of money in the bank. xD I love Kyle, and I just wish he'd find a good girlfriend and be happy. He could afford a apartment even. Oh well.

Me!(17)- I go to a tech center for 3 hours of my school day. I study animals, and I hope to be a vet technician. Next trimester, I will be taking a college course at OCC.  I have two classes at Harrison. It's really awesome how far I'm coming along. My GPA is 3.66 and I hope to get it to a 3.7 before this school year ends. I am in Color guard and this is my season which makes me really sad. i have a boyfriend, michael and I've been with him for almost a year. He means a lot to me. :] I plan on going through college at Community colleges. OCC and MCC(Macomb) which is awesome. I'm excited for my future and I hope that everyone finds a plan that really excites them.

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