Sunday, November 13, 2011

Positive energy.

   I personally believe in will power, the power of the mind. If you can dream it, you can achieve it! So, today when I found out that I may have damaged my hearing for the rest of my life, I decided to think positively. For about thirty minutes i sat in my room and thought about healing. I told my toes to my brain to heal, and I figured it's more beneficial then just for my ears. Honestly, so many people are focused with maintaining average, when I want to be better. I want to grow and be healed. I'm going to learn about auras, and hopefully this will aid in me trying to have more direct and powerful thoughts.

^ this is "Rainbow In My Room"
it projects a rainbow on the wall, and it captivates me to no end.
My boyfriend purchased one for me.

Thank you Mr. Russell, for showing us that video. It aligned with my preconceived ideas and it also defined them better by giving my stance data and facts behind it.

-Take the Aura course.
-Clean my room.
-Take steps to decrease my compulsions.
-Help, not hurt.
-Strive to do my best.
-Be up to date with homework.

 I really hope I don't appear as a hippie, because I'm not. I just think that one cannot rely on something else to better their own life. My exe told me that I appear as the kind of person that gets taken care of, and I think that is a bog insult. 
  If I can't do something, show me how. I want to learn. I feel like right now I'm going through a period of just learning, and I know that I should have this perspective for the rest of my life. Yet, right now there is such a burning passion to learn and be able to impact the world.

I wish I could you be honest with you guys, and tell you what I've learned, and the mistakes I've made. You will have to find out for yourself, I'm just concerned that you can learn from it.

I plan on being as awesome as my mother,
just with less anger issues, and less emphasis on money.

I'll probably
still fuck up my kids
regardless of
what I do 
or do not do.
(Don't worry,  I still going to do everything in my power not to.)

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