Sunday, November 6, 2011


Pay attention, because some times you will be left to your bare emotions,
and I'm so lucky that when worst came to worst 
I handled myself better than most.
Luckily I have healthy habits when I get upset.
I cry, and talk, and laugh when something is funny, and I try to be happy again.
To not dwell on sadness is my goal.

I have this blanket statement,
That every individual can control their emotions.
(I.E. they choose to be sad, or mad, or happy)

but in the case of someone's death, one can't really help their emotions.

So I figured out what the holes in the blanket statement were. 
A person's mental attachments can alter their control
over their emotions.
So their attachments can obviously make the feel a certain emotion
but regardless a person can choose how they act about it.
So, make wise choices about how you react,
because your reactions become habits,
which often people get owned by their habits rather than own them.


  1. What would be a good guide for making "wise" decision?

    I vote for shooting for excellence, with a touch or eight of the eightfold path.

  2. Of course you do Mr. Russell. I think wise decisions lie within what is healthy, and right. Shooting for excellence can never hurt of course.
