Friday, May 11, 2012

Two weeks till graduation

I have two weeks in till I'm freed from high school, and into the world of higher education. My father is gripped by illness and my mother is thrashing from okay to freaking out. i told her I'd be her rock. After all, I can't really get upset about my father as he is seemingly more hot tempered than before. Recently, I haven't been able to get a word in without him reacting like I'm back talking. Even though  I am two weeks from my cap and grown, I am having a tougher time with teacher relations than ever before. At my tech center I feel like I can't do anything to their standards. I want peace, i want to understand what i always do wrong. I'm consistantly trying my best, but it is never good enough. At the same time, I am realizing how much I've followed my plan, and how far it is getting me. My bank acount flirts with reaching 1,000 but then some unavoidable payments need to be made. Now, I am going to be paying for my drivers test, insurance, liscene plates, prom, prom shoes, a new  windshield, and whatever parts I need to fix my car. I upset with how much I interalize things. I want my parents to be proud of me for not yelling, stomping, wrecking things. I've tried so hard to not react like my mother, and the alternative is taking everything inwardly. I really do want to show this to my children, and I will continue to post whenever I have something to say.

  I've learned that teachers and doctors are not almighty. They, like all things, are succeptable to corruption. I want to make sure all my [good] teachers know how much I appreciate them.

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