Tuesday, September 27, 2011


At a young age my mind was set on a plan for life, and by saying young age I mean maybe two/three years ago. I'm still at a young age, and I'll never doubt that. I do however believe that I'm a pretty good candidate to become a adult. Scary, right? So as I was saying, my plan has been a huge foundation. since I wanted to be a vet, I knew I wanted a Volkswagen beetle, I loved Siberian huskys, and I loved brick houses/flat roofs. Each aspect brought it's own prerequisites. To be a Vet I had to go to college, To go to college I needed money, to get money I had to work and save. Which, I've been following that. I work, I save as much as I can. Marching band has been a set back but none the less I think it's worth it. For the record, right now my father in on the CB radio talking about 'butt plugs'... Yeahhh.

alright, I want to get into a bit of lecture because I never heard these things from my parents and I doubt my positions will change. Don't waste your time on someone who doesn't treat you right. I got into a long term relationship when I was in 8th grade. Following that break up I met boys who I liked a awful lot, but I wasn't comfortable. I wasn't myself. I should of known they where doomed but every time I went blindly until they or I made the final push to decide it was over. Oh god, I just thought about what if i died before you got to my age. Shit. Then I'd be very thankful I took this project up. Isn't it funny how people's words are taken for granted, that is until they die. Then every word, syllable, thought, and action will something to remember them by.. Hmm. Alright, back to the relationships... [My dad fell asleep on the floor...... Awkward.] I've learned that if you have a relationship that has cheating, it is practically doomed. If you cheat once on a person, then something is going wrong in the relationship. It goes much further than just forgiveness, it involved change for both the doer and the innocent.

I don't know what to expext with reactions. there is no telling. It kind of almost scares me to think of all the bad things that could happen. you might not like me, I might be crazy, I might be dead, you might not care... I unno. It's weird. I'm currently working on my resume, I'm trying to get a job at a Vet office. I'm kind of pessimistic about this though.


  1. Your personality shines so much through these letters. You make me smile and laugh, and you sprinkle your humor through a bunch of very serious life lessons and musings. The breaks and quick shifts of topic mirror real life speech and trains of thought, and it conveys a really strong sense of self. Keep on rocking.

  2. Thank you alec. Just being myself. I missed you today. :)
